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Hi Friend BSI...

by Bina Sarana Informatika 23 Mar 2023

After participating in a series of ORMIK SEMOT activities at BSI University, you are officially a new student.

Congratulations on undergoing lectures and making achievements with Bina Sarana Informatika University.

Lectures..? BSI Aja!!

BSI Digination as an Introduction to the World of Creative Industries

BSINews - Digital Creative Center (DCC) or LabAlfaOne collaborates with BSI University (Bina Sarana Informatika).

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BSI TV Invites BSI Digination Participants to Create a TV Program

BSINews - Startup company Digital Creative Center (DCC) or Lab AlfaOne has partnered with Creative Digital Campus of BSI University (Bina Sarana Informatika).

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Good News for Soccer Lovers, Futsal League at BSI FLASH 2023

BSINews-Futsal Tournament will be held at BSI FLASH 2023 (Festival & League between School Students) with the theme 'Generation of Digital Champions and Talents'.

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